Press Release

Cairns:2021 The Safe Men Project.

We are proud to announce the launch of this world leading initiative “The Safe Men Project”. This is unlike other platforms, because it is independently funded with a passionate steering committee formed from a cross-section of industry and community, and guided by visionary, Kingsley Mortimer.

With the ultimate goal of positive societal change, the first step is to create a safe environment to hold discussions so the existing values and actions. A community that is inclusive, non-judgemental, where conversations can be held without fear of retribution or ridicule. These discussions will bring the issues into focus in the general community, allowing individuals to reflect on their own actions and to lay the foundations for generational change in the community through heightened awareness.

While change may not be swift, the longer it takes to begin the conversations, the longer positive change will take.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports alarming numbers of Domestic Violence, Emotional and Elder Abuse, with an unproportionate ratio attributed to marginalised groups. The Safe Men Project aims to create a supportive platform which encourages people to hold conversations, allowing them to be part of the solution to reducing these numbers.

Mr Kingsley Mortimer says “One of the most challenging groups to involve is men speaking with men. The Safe Men Project is for everyone, but especially men who are often shut down or ignored by other men when they try to begin conversations about better ways to act in society.”

Mr Kingsley Mortimer says “One of the most challenging groups to involve is men speaking with men. The Safe Men Project is for everyone, but especially men who are often shut down or ignored by other men when they try to begin conversations about better ways to act in society.”