Today I am grateful for transitions.

In the past I’ve been impatient, striving to get through seasons of transitions quickly. I’d fill times of transition with harmful compulsive behaviour. Today resting in the season of transition is the most transformative time of my life.

How do I wait? Do I get frustrated, distracted and impatient or am I graciously, purposefully anticipating a greater outcome? I have a choice. I can create hundreds of options to achieve a quicker, compromised outcome or I can wait patiently for the best to be revealed. I am learning to leave space for the best. When I wait faithfully, trusting a higher calling and purpose, I develop the character to transcend circumstances and suffering.

A year ago there was one flower on this peace lily, this year there are 5. There is abundance in waiting. Today I throw away the clocks and allow the best outcome to be graciously revealed.

Kingsley Mortimer