Today I am grateful for my Dad.

My Dad is caring, kind, considerate, gentle, compassionate, accepting and wise. He is friendly to everyone he meets and will often walk up to complete strangers and start a conversation. His advice has always been helpful, no matter if I took it or not.

Ours has not always been an easy relationship and there have been tough times and traumatic incidents. He is not perfect. I am not perfect. Today my relationship with my father is honest and loving. He is an important part of my journey and an intrinsic part of me becoming a transformed man because he is a transformed man.

Healing our abandonment wounds concerning our father is important for men. Denial of this can lead to unconsciously repeating the cycle to the next generation. Our abandonment wounds can be mitigated and thus the possibility of establishing safer families and communities.

Reconciliation through the act of amends with my father has been a long and winding road over many years and worthwhile. I am so grateful I have had the opportunity to know this man and to love him for who he is today in this life. I am so grateful we are on this journey together, encouraging each other and winning in our relationship.

Kingsley Mortimer